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Coaching Services

I offer three types of coaching programs. They vary in length and intensity. Each one addresses a different coaching need. We discuss which program is best suited to your coaching issue and your situation during our introductory conversation.

In the moment support
1-2 months

The coaching issue is a short-term or immediate need. We work on awareness and behavioral “moves” to support you in the moment. This program is also suited for one-off “check-ins” for former clients, or to get you started in something new that you will carry forward independently.


Building awareness and the foundation for change

3-6 months

The coaching issue addresses a change or development you desire and that is meaningful to you. This may be work related or personal…and often, both. Through this program, you develop deep awareness of your current ways of being in your coaching issue, and how those ways may be limiting your experience, performance or growth. Together, we develop new approaches and customized practices and tools to support you in moving beyond those limitations into a new way of being in your coaching topic.


Profound, sustained change. 

6+ months

This comprehensive program builds on the work you have undertaken in the Insight program. It is intended for those clients who either want to spend more time on their earlier coaching topic, or deepen their development into a related area. Through the Transformation program, you gain access to the awareness, capabilities, skills and tools you need for lasting, embodied and profound change.

Pricing depends on the extent and duration of the program. I am happy to share my pricing model during our introductory conversation.

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